Just Go With It

just go with it

Title: Just Go With It

Director: Dennis Dugan

Writers: Allen Loeb and Timothy Dowling

Genre: Comedy, Romance

Actors: Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman

Year: 2011

just go with 1

Plastic surgeon Dr. Danny Maccabee (Adam Sandler) deceives woman into thinking he is going through a bad marriage to get dates from women. His web of lies are all but about to catch up with him when he meets, what he perceives, as the woman of his dreams Palmer (Brooklyn Decker), a young school teacher. Still unconvinced of his “bad marriage”, she refuses to date him, unless she meets the soon to be ex-wife. Desperate to win her affection, Dr. Maccabee recruits his assistant Katherine (Jennifer Aniston) to play the part. The mountain of lies are soon to catch up with Dr. Maccabee when Katherine’s children get involved and a trip to Hawaii is planned. Devlin Adams (Nicole Kidman), Katherine’s arch nemesis from college is vacationing as well in Hawaii with her husband. Role reversal and Katherine is now pretending that Dr. Maccabee is her husband.

Adam Sandler a renowned actor, comedian, screenwriter, song writer and film producer has proven to be a talented actor. Delving in romantic comedies such as Spanglish (2004) and 50 First Dates (2004), he went on to more weighty material which can be seen in The Longest Yard (2005). I would classify Adam Sandler to be a Wild card. According to Goodykoontz and Jacobs, “an actor who is difficult to classify as one certain type, often because they play a wide variety of characters, adapting to the needs of each script” (2011). As well, he can fit in the Personality category too, because in his comedy films he is playing himself.

jennifer     just go with 2

I would categorize Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman as Realism, Stylized Acting and Wild card in their acting. Both actresses have delved in quite a few films which ranged from comedy, romance and drama. Whatever the part, they play it well. In realism, they are thought of a naturalistic. Stylized – because of the “over-the-top performances that exaggerate their outlandish personalities and situations to the extreme” (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014, Sec 5.4).


Personally, I feel that Adam Sandler does great work in the areas of comedy and romantic comedy. Whatever movie that he is put in he will affect the movie. “Frequently, established stars will do what is known as playing against type, or playing a role of a type that audiences are not used to seeing them in” (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014, Sec 5.6). Though he specializes in crude slapstick comedy, critiques can all agree that he never cease to amaze people with his diversity.


Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2011). Film: From watching to seeing. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

IMDb. (2011). Just Go With It. IMDb. Retrieved from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1564367/?ref_=nv_sr_1

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Here She Comes! Scene from Van Helsing Movie (2004) | MOVIECLIPS

Van Helsing

Here She Comes! Scene from Van Helsing Movie (2004) | MOVIECLIPS.

Film: Van Helsing

Link: Van Helsing – Movie Clip – http://cli.ps/ZjVDS

Genre: Fantasy

Actors: Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale, Richard Roxburgh

Directed by: Stephen Sommers

Writer: Stephen Sommers

In the movie, “Van Helsing” (2004), the films plot is based on Gabriel Van Helsing, a legendary vampire hunter. He is sent to Transylvania by the Vatican to rid the land of Count Dracula, vampire brides, Frankenstein’s creation and werewolves. While he is there he comes across Anna Valerious, one of the last of a powerful royal family, who is hell bent on destroying Dracula herself, for her family to get to heaven.

To create the desired effects of a film there are three basic categories of sound that are required to carefully balance and assist the story; dialogue, sound effects, and music. When we think of dialogue and the importance of it – it authenticates the speaker, so that we know it is a real person expressing feelings and gestures. With that we are able to follow the plot.

The use of sound is so intriguing how it is used to match to what we are viewing. Take for example, the (diegetic) synchronous sounds of horses running across the screen – you can hear the hoofs as they run or perhaps the “slamming” of the door when someone shuts it. (Non-Diegetic)Asynchronous sounds are the sounds that are not visible but provide dramatic effects so that we may get that climatic effect; eerie music, drum beats or “mood” music. This is so we know something is going to happen or to signify sadness or happiness.

The music, which is often played in the background of films, so that it plays off of our emotions “a particular musical theme associated with an individual character or situation may be repeated at various points in a film in order to remind the audience of salient motifs or ideas” (Marshall, n.d.). Most noticeably music in the background in horror movies, which is my favorite! “So important was its use that over time directors began inserting indications for specific music to be played at specific times. Music became a basic element of constructing a movie, as essential an element as lights and cameras” (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014, Music, Sec 8.4).

Some specific sounds that immediately caught my attention was the high pitch music being played as the two vampire brides were cornering Anna in the room. Also, the crossbows; when Van Helsing dipped it into the holy water and turned to take a shot at the vampire bride while she was flying towards him (the sound of her wings flapping) made me sit at the edge of my seat to see whether he would make it! The music tied it all together to give it that edgy feel. The transformation of the two vampire brides when one was killed, the swirling effect of the music without the use of dialogue was heard, and it was interesting to correlate it together.

I would categorize the sound effects as being hard such as the footsteps and the weapons being fired. The use of Sensurround and surround sound gave you the deep bass vibrations and the feeling as if the sound was coming from not just one particular place for deeper impact was great. For me, I would not eliminate any of the sounds. I feel that they are key essential in making the film “come to life”. Without it, there would not be that sense of realism in the film. Silent films were the rave back in the days, but let’s face it, the use of sound just gives it that “WOW!” factor!



Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2014). Film: From Watching To Seeing (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Marshall, J.K. (n.d.). An Introduction to Film Sound. FilmSound.Org. Retrieved from http://filmsound.org/marshall/


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The Shining – Lighting

Film: The Shining

Link: The Shining- Movie Clip – http://cli.ps/9n3Vp

Genre: Horror

Actors: Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall and Danny Lloyd

Directed by: Stanley Kubrick


In the movie, “The Shining” (1980), the use of mise en scene intertwines with the usage of the setting, lighting and composition. Usually, for Horror films, the lighting that is used the most is low-key lighting. To further enhance what the director wants us to see. The cinematographer is central in the execution of the lighting; whether it is intense or a lack thereof. When trying to identify the lighting that was used in the movie, I feel that high-key lighting, low-key lighting and three point lighting were all utilized at various points in the movie.

From what is perceived it seems that the use of high-key lighting was used more for a sterile look. Basing it on a psychological stance, the brightness that illuminated throughout the hotel and especially in the bathroom can be summed up as “a brilliantly surreal portrait of urban isolation and familial dysfunction” (Peaty, 2012).

High-key lighting can be seen in the “sterile” bathroom scene. It is unusually high-key, it creates an almost sterile, impersonal. Whereas in high-key lighting it is more common for you to get the sense of comfort, safeness , that is not the case with this movie.

 Low-key lighting (a horror genre convention) was most prominent in the scene where Jack meets his demise in the maze. Mixed with occasional high key, side lights of the maze; which create silhouettes and shadows of the actor which are also conventions of horror.

Three-point lighting and the rimlight is seen in the scene where Jack is sitting at the bar. The light illuminating his face from below gives him that crazed look. This shows us that he has lost his sanity and links back with the psychological horror genre. The use of the bright lights accentuates the horror of the situation.

For me, the lighting was an important part of the movie. Not only does it manipulate the way we perceive the characters but it shows the audience that you do not need scene to be shot in the dark to get the full effect of the malevolence taking place.




MovieClips. (1980). The Shining. MovieClips Beta. Retrieved from http://movieclips.com/9n3Vp-the-shining-movie-come-play-with-us/

Peaty, J. (2013, October 12). The Lasting Impact of Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. Den Of Geek! Retrieved from http://www.denofgeek.com/movies/23171/the-lasting-impact-of-stanley-kubrick%25E2%2580%2599s-the-shining#ixzz3UCYJYvfm http://www.denofgeek.com/movies/23171/the-lasting-impact-of-stanley-kubrick%25E2%2580%2599s-the-shining#ixzz3UCXrpSnVthe insanity of Jacks mind.


The Shining


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A Walk to Remember

Title:  A Walk to Remember

Writer: Karen Janszen (screenplay), Nicholas Sparks (novel)

Director: Adam Shankman

Year: 2002

Actors: Mandy Moore, Shane West, Peter Coyote


Set in the town of Beafort, North Carolina. Two teenagers learn the meaning of patience, love and loss. Landon Carter (Shane West), is threaten with expulsion from school, for a prank that left a friend paralyzed. Rebellious, no real aim to be anything but popular, he is forced into mandatory participation into school functions as part of “community service” he meets Jaime Sullivan (Mandy Moore). Though they are from different social ladders, their worlds unexpectantly collide.


Forced into tutoring and to participate in the school drama club, Landon must interact with Jaime; the quiet plain-jane, conservative daughter of a baptist minister. When he realizes that he needs help in learning the lines for the plays; he asks Jaime for help. Jaime agrees on the condition that he promises not to fall in love with her. Jaime and Landon reherse their line at her house.

It is soon thereafter, that they start to build a friendship; he learns of a wishlist of things she wants to do in her life. One being a tattoo. Jaime realizes that Landon almost expected for their newfound friendship to be kept in secret, when he publicly embarasses her in front of his friends. When he goes to apoligize at her house, she slams the door in his face, and he is forced to learn the script on his own.

During the play, Jaimes shocks everyone with her amazing voice and her true beauty. Landon of all is the most shocked and during the play kisses her, though it is not in the script. It is from that moment on that he tries to pursue her. One day Landon’s friend humilates her; Landon punches his friend and further rejects all his friends. It is then that Jaime realizes that she wants to get to know the “real” Landon.

On their first date, Landon ask Jaime to list all the things that she has wanted to do such as the tattoo, reading 100 hundred books and being in two places at once. He learns the true beauty of her soul. She confesses to him on the second date the reason she does not make plans for the future; she has luekemia and she has not responded to treatments. As she progressively get worse, Landon’s friends try to show their support for the two of them. When Jaime is sent to the hospital for her illness, Landon reaches out to his estranged father, Dr. Carter, who tells him there is nothing he can do.

Jaime gives Landon a book that once belonged to her mother stating that she felt that God sent him to her as her angel to get through the difficult times. Unbeknowst to Landon, Jaime is sent home; full medical care all expenses paid courtesy of Landons father. Landon goes back and thanks his father and their relationship is rekindled.

Landon seeking to fulfill all of Jaimes wishes, proposes to her and she tearfully accepts. They were married and live the rest of the summer in love. She passes at the end of the summer.

Landon comes back to visit Jaimes father years later, to give him the book. He has since been accepted into medical school. He expresses his regret to Rev. Sullivan about Jaime being able to experience a miracle while she was alive. With that Rev. Sullivan tells him that she did, in the form of Landon.

  • Discuss whether your film is presented chronologically or non-linearly. In your discussion, address the following:
    • How did this aesthetic choice contribute to the general effect on the audience?
    • How are elements like character development or foreshadowing impacted by the choice of storytelling methods?
  • If the film had followed a different presentation style, how would the general effect on the audience have been different?

I feel that this film was done chronologically. By doing so, the effect it had on the audience was in better understanding as event happened. The characters development was seen in the change that Landon went through to be a better person. To present this movie any other way, I feel, would have dramatically reduced the effect that the audience would have experienced.



Ebert, R. (2002, January 25). A Walk to Remember. Roger Ebert.com. Retrieved from http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/a-walk-to-remember-2002

IMDb, (2002). A Walk to Remember. IMDb. Retrieved from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0281358/




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